My Services

Natal Chart Consultation (Video Chat) 2 hr

A two hour session with me over video chat where we discuss your natal chart in detail.


Natal Chart Consultation (Video Chat) 1 hr

A one hour session with me over video chat where we discuss your natal chart in detail.


Inner Child Reading

A written reading focusing on the childhood indicators in your natal chart. The reading will go over the ways your childhood and upbringing impacts your life today.


4-5 pages

Current Transits consultation

A one hour session focusing on your current transits. How will these transits influence your life? Find out what the universe has in store for you.


Nodal Axis Reading

A written reading focusing on the nodal axis in your natal chart. This reading will discuss the North Node and the South Node and break down the ways this axis influences your life.


3-4 pages

12th House/2nd House reading

A written reading focusing on the 12H and 2H of your natal chart. The reading will go over the ways these houses impact your self-perception, and will break down the dynamics these houses create in your life.


3-4 pages

Single Placement Reading

A written reading focusing on a singular placement in your chart where we discuss aspects, planetary ruler, and house placement.


1-2 pages

Style Analysis

A visual representation of the style and beauty indicators in your natal chart. The reading will include a vision board displaying images that would align with your aesthetic. These images will include fashion, hair, beauty, and interior design inspiration.


Natal Chart Illustration (Tropical or Sidereal)

A pen and ink illustration inspired by your entire natal chart as a whole.

$75 (digital)

$85 (physical)

Single Placement Illustration (Tropical or Sidereal)

A pen and ink illustration based on a specific placement or configuration in your natal chart.

$75 (digital)

$85 (physical)